
Crysis: Warhead

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Englisch Gamepro
When it was first formed, Crytek was a little known European developer with big dreams and aspirations. But unlike other upstart companies, they had an ace in the hole: a powerful and impressive graphics engine that they dubbed the CryEngine. The company then went on to prove that they weren't just a bunch of brainiacs with tech skills: they could craft a great gaming experience as well.

Wertung: 9.5
Englisch strategyinformer
On rare occasions does a game leave the player completely speechless throughout the experience. Whether it’s the amazing graphics, gameplay, or otherwise, some part of the game leaves the player in a state of euphoria. Bioshock was like this, as was Gears of War. And now Crysis.
Lange mussten sich die Fans von FarCry gedulden, doch noch bekommen wir zumindest einen Vorgeschmack auf den neuen Titel Crysis, welcher noch vor Weihnachten in den Handel kommen soll. Ursprüglich sollte dies schon vor einem Jahr geschehen, parallel zur Markteinführung von Windows Vista. Doch Vista wurde erst Anfang 2007 veröffentlicht und Crysis, welches ursprüglich nur unter Vista funktionieren sollte, kam zunächst gar nicht. Ein Grund hierfür war das geringe Angebot an DirectX 10 tauglichen Grafikkarten, sowie eine geänderte Strategie: Die aktuelle Demoversion von Crysis kann unter Windows XP und Vista genutzt werden.
Englisch Gametap
You know how so many items have a stupid-obvious warning label on them (such as a tire with a "do not place mouth on while in motion" warning) thanks to some idiot performing said action, and therefore necessitating a legal disclaimer? Well, if you're ever in a situation where you're wearing an experimental nanosuit, I'm the guy responsible for the warning tag "Beware of tree."
Englisch GameSpy
A couple of weeks ago, EA invited us to take a look at the multiplayer side of Crysis aboard the USS Hornet, a retired aircraft carrier perfect for showing off the fidelity of the multiplayer maps. No fewer than three industry heavies (including Crytek CEO Cevat Verli, nVidia Senior V.P. Dan Vivoli and Games for Windows Global Product Manager Heidi Rademacher) took the podium to proclaim their intense commitment to Crysis, and yet, for all the pomp and circumstance, the playable product left a little to be desired. All the pieces are there, but the stuttering frame rate that continues to nag this graphics-intensive behemoth has us a bit concerned given the game's ever-nearing release date.
Deutsch Gamona
Auf nach Ozeanien
Angesichts der eigentlich recht mauen Story in »Far Cry« besteht das Ziel in der Entwicklung von »Crysis« darin, eine hollywoodreife Singleplayer-Kampagne auf die Beine zu stellen. Aber nicht nur das: Auch auf den Mehrspieler-Modus legen die Entwickler von Crytek viel Wert und wollen mit innovativen Neuerungen frischen Wind in die altbackenen Massenschlachten bringen. Eine davon ist der so genannte Powerstruggle-Modus, der in der Multiplayer-Beta zum ersten Mal auch für Fans auf dem heimischen PC anspielbar ist.
Englisch Eurogamer
We're standing in Crytek's Frankfurt studio, looking at a monitor displaying nothing more exciting than a stream running through a jungle. We can't help it, despite our time here being to find out whether Crysis plays as good as it looks, not just to marvel at visuals.
As it turns out, there's an awful lot of marvelling going on, even though we never see the game - probably the most hyped PC shooter in development - running on DirectX 10 during our entire visit.
Deutsch Onlinewelten
Crysis so einzigartig machen. Da wären zum Beispiel die Krabben, die beim Tauchen zwischen Sandgruben und kleinen Wasserpflanzen umherirren und zusammen mit kleineren Fischschwärmen für eine lebhafte Unterwasserwelt sorgen.
Doch nicht nur im kühlen Nass können sich Grafikfetischisten an einer Detailpracht ergötzen, die ihresgleichen sucht. Auch an Land, im Schatten der vielen Palmen, sorgen fliegende Schmetterlinge und vor allem die glanzvolle Weitsicht für einen Wow-Effekt. Zudem reiht sich die Animation des Wassers perfekt ins grafisch grandiose Gesamtbild ein und besticht durch eine realistische Darstellung.
Deutsch Gamona
Als eines der wenigen deutschen Entwicklerstudios hat Crytek es mit dem Shooter "Far Cry" zu internationalen Ehren gebracht. Kein Wunder also, dass die Ankündigung eines neuen Titels nicht lange auf sich warten ließ: Mit "Crysis" werkeln die Jungs aus Frankfurt, die mittlerweile mehrere Studios im Ausland eröffnet haben, an einem der meisterwarteten Titeln des Jahres. Auf der E3 war zum ersten Mal ein kompletter Level spielbar - sind die Vorschusslorbeeren berechtigt?
Deutsch WorldOfCheatz
„Wir schaffen ein Spiel, das alle anderen technisch und spielerisch übertrifft!“ Was etwas größenwahnsinnig klingt ist das Vorhaben des Entwicklerstudio Crytek. Das neueste Wer der deutschen Entwicklerschmiede hört auf den Namen Crysis und ist schon seit Monaten in aller Munde.
Englisch Yahoo PC Games
Perhaps the most common question revolving around Crysis isn't when this eagerly awaited first-person shooter is going to ship or even whether it will appear on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Instead, gamers everywhere are wondering what sort of PC they'll need to run the game. And it's not hard to understand why Crysis has everyone thinking about hardware upgrades. Ever since it was revealed at the Game Developers Conference, gamers have been amazed by the cutting-edge visuals in Crysis. So when we recently visited developer Crytek's offices in Frankfurt, Germany, we got a chance to find out more about the game's technology, as well as what kind of machine you'll need to run the game.
Deutsch Gameradio
Was wurde "Crysis" in der Spielepresse nicht schon verwurstet. Jedes Quäntchen Info hundertfach in ebenso vielen Artikel heruntergebetet - klar, wo Crysis draufsteht, sitzt die Mark bzw. der Euro der Spielefans deutlich lockerer. Um was es in Cryteks Wundershooter geht, ist allen bekannt, zumindest fast allen. Für die zwei Zocker auf der Welt, die tatsächlich noch nicht wissen, was es mit dem Shooter auf sich hat, eine leicht abgeänderte Passage aus Benjamins wenige Monate alter "Crysis"-Preview:
Deutsch Looki
Crysis??? Nie gehört. Wem ein derartiger Satz über die Lippen geht, wird vermutlich das letzte Jahr hinter’m Busch gelebt haben und ist nicht in die Nähe eines Computers mit Internetanschluss gekommen. Aber auch dieser Spezies wollen wir kurz die Story von Crysis zu Teil werden lassen.
Englisch Gameshark
The jump to DirectX 10 couldn’t possibly be more dramatic. Crysis, the follow up to Crytek’s lauded first-person shooter FarCry, makes a compelling case for upgrading that dumpy system sitting before you. Don’t worry, though, it ought to be worth it—Crysis not only looks amazing, but its intense, action-packed gameplay will push the limits of the genre and your machine.
Englisch Actiontrip Preview
Crysis, the much-discussed PC FPS from EA and Crytek, is all about next-generation goodness. If we consider the impact Crytek made with Far Cry, it's only fair to assume that Crysis will take things one step further both in temrs of graphics as well as gameplay. Although we were a tad disheartened with the game's performance at the GC 2006 in Leipzig, Crysis has come a long way since then. Don't take our word for it - a mere peek at the screenshots and the DX10 footage will surely make your head spin. Just to get it out of the way, Crytek mentioned the game won't be arriving until it is fully optimized and ready to face the gaming masses.
Englisch maxitmag
Crytek burst onto the first person shooter scene with the highly acclaimed Far Cry powered by their in-house developed CryEngine. If you thought that was good, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Crysis is the natural successor to Far Cry but don't expect it to be a cash-in sequel. A new story with all new characters sees you cast as a Delta Force operative sent to investigate an asteroid crash site located somewhere on the Pacific islands. Sounds easy enough eh? Throw in the North Korean army, a technologically advanced alien race and plenty of high tech weapons and the real fun and games kick in.
Englisch Eurogamer
Crysis lead designer Jack Mamais is grinning. Microsoft's game showing at CES is relatively small compared to the insanity that was E3, but the reaction his baby's getting leaves nothing to the imagination. Even in its pre-alpha state, PC shooter Crysis looks absolutely knock-out, especially to the general consumer crowd.
Englisch Gamezone
A few years ago, a little developer by the name of Crytek made some serious waves with their very well-received PC first person shooter, Far Cry. The game did some amazing things both graphically and gameplay-wise, and did great commercially and critically. Now, Crytek is teaming up with EA to make magic yet again with Crysis. Crysis, due out exclusively on the PC this winter, will be another “thinking shooter” in the vein of Far Cry, giving you different ways to approach different situations to yield the results you want. The game will also take advantage of DirectX 10 once it’s released, meaning that we can expect to see things graphically that haven’t been done. If Crysis turns out to be half as good as it looks already, we may have the shooter of the year on our hands.

Wertung: 9.0
Standing with the big boys takes brass, but that's essentially what German developer Crytek was able to do with its 2004 island-paradise shooter Far Cry. Big, bold, and except for some late-game AI issues and save game wonk-logic, it was the answer to the question, "How do you shut a jaded journo up?" Determined to pop the one-hit mold, Crytek's encore has finally broken cover, and seductive as the pretty stuff's already looking, the not-so-small-anymore German developer wants Crysis to transfigure the way you play first-person shooters altogether.

Wertung: 8.0
Englisch Gamespot
Perhaps the most common question revolving around Crysis isn't when this eagerly awaited first-person shooter is going to ship or even whether it will appear on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Instead, gamers everywhere are wondering what sort of PC they'll need to run the game. And it's not hard to understand why Crysis has everyone thinking about hardware upgrades. Ever since it was revealed at the Game Developers Conference, gamers have been amazed by the cutting-edge visuals in Crysis. So when we recently visited developer Crytek's offices in Frankfurt, Germany, we got a chance to find out more about the game's technology, as well as what kind of machine you'll need to run the game.
Deutsch Highgames
999 gründen drei Brüder mit dem Nachnamen „Yerli“ in Coburg die Spieleschmiede Crytek. Im Jahr 2004 erscheint dann deren Langzeitprojekt Vorschau / Preview: Far Cry in den Läden. Far Cry hat sich weltweit zu einem der beliebtesten und besten Ego-Shooter aller Zeiten entwickelt. Vielleicht liefert Crytek (Umzug erfolgte im April 2006 nach Frankfurt) schon bald einen neuen Hit ab: Vorschau / Preview: Crysis! Auf einer idyllischen Südseeinsel stürzt ein mysteriöses Flugobjekt ab. [...]
Englisch Gamespot
You'd be hard-pressed to find any jungle around Frankfurt, the sleek German city that's one of the major financial centers of Europe. But if you know the right building, you'll find a lush tropical isle infested with aliens and North Korean soldiers, not to mention one of the most up-and-coming development houses in the world. We're talking about Crysis, the next game from Crytek, the developer of 2004's acclaimed Far Cry. Since its debut earlier this year, Crysis has become one of the most anticipated games coming out on any platform thanks to some incredible visuals, though there's more to Crysis than just a stunning graphics engine. To learn more, we visited Crytek's offices to meet the developers in person and get a closer look at the game.

Wertung: 9.5
Deutsch Gameswelt
'Crysis' markiert den nächsten Meilenstein für die deutschen Entwickler von Crytek, die mit 'Far Cry' die FPS-Gemeinde in Verzückung versetzten. Der neue Titel sieht noch beeindruckender aus, die Gegner sind noch eindrucksvoller und die Szenarien, in denen sich der Spieler bewegt, sind nochmals erweitert worden. Auf der E3 gab es das erste Mal eine frühe Version des Spiels zu sehen, die schon gut demonstriert, wo es hingeht.
Englisch Actiontrip
About two years back, Crytek's first-person shooter Far Cry took the gaming industry by storm. What's even more impressive is that it completely blew away the competition at the time. The game also came out prior to the release of Doom 3 and Half-Life 2, making a significant breakthrough in level design and visual effects. From that moment on, UbiSoft rolled up their sleeves and started trimming and improving the game to make it even more enjoyable on the Xbox console. The Xbox port, entitled Far Cry: Instincts, achieved reasonable success, on top of which Crytek and Ubi released an Xbox 360 version (which recently hit stores).
Englisch IGN: Crysis Preview
Crytek blasted onto the PC shooter scene with their brilliantly fun shooter Far Cry and impressed the hell out of us and much of the gaming scene with the amazing engine powering the game. With the success of the first title, it was only a matter of waiting to see what these guys would do next. This year's GDC afforded us the opportunity to see the product of their hard work. While we have yet to see their next game Crysis up and running, what we saw of the engine is plain sick.
Englisch Gamesradar
Even before the PC version released, rumours of a PS3 conversion of the stunning Crysis (developed by Far Cry creators Crytek) were rife, and not far off the mark if insiders at the studio are to be believed. The game looks to be a port of the PC original plus some extra modes and features, a kind of Crysis 1.5. Like the PC game you can expect a visual powerhouse; an open-world shooter that begins on a beautiful tropical island before things take a turn for the worse and aliens from a parallel world stake a claim on Earth. Only the mighty Killzone 2 could possibly hold a candle to this shooter. For technical reasons we hear an Xbox 360 version of Crysis isn’t in development. Bet you’re glad you bought a PS3 now, eh?